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Trusted by global DTC brands
This report helps you figure out which of your products might trigger Amazon's low inventory fees and how much those charges might be.
The estimated risk level is gauged using the maximum between your 30 and 90-day Historical days of supply:
High risk: Your products are at high risk if they typically have between 0 and 55 days' worth of inventory on hand (which is 28 days more than Amazon's 27-day limit).
Medium risk: Your products fall into this category if they usually have between 56 and 69 days' worth of inventory.
Low risk: Your products are considered low risk if they generally have more than 70 days' worth of inventory.
The lowest and highest estimated fees are calculated using the lowest and highest Amazon low inventory fees (which are $0.32 and $1.11) multiplied by your current inventory.
How to use this Hop.
Simply create an Airboxr account and connect your Shopify store to automatically run this export/analysis for your store. If you already have an account, click on the Add to my Collection button above.
Inventory Management and Cost Estimation: The report offers insights into which products may trigger Amazon's low inventory fees. It also calculates the estimated lowest and highest fees based on current inventory levels. This allows stores to anticipate potential charges.
Risk Assessment: Categorizing products into high, medium, and low-risk levels based on historical days of supply helps stores prioritize inventory management efforts and mitigate potential fees.
In This Report
Lowest Estimated Fees (USD)
Highest Estimated Fees (USD)
Inventory Available
Daily Units Sold (30 Day)
Daily Units Sold (90 Day)
30-Day Historical Days of Supply
90-Day Historical Days of Supply
Grouped By
Product Title
Risk Level
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