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Trusted by global DTC brands
This is a report that shows important metrics across the purchase funnel of each ad. This enables users to identify key drop-off points in checkouts from each ad.
How to use this Hop.
Simply create an Airboxr account and connect your Shopify store to automatically run this export/analysis for your store. If you already have an account, click on the Add to my Collection button above.
Identifying Drop-Off Points in the Funnel: The report allows businesses to identify drop-off points in the purchase funnel by comparing metrics at different stages. For example, if there is a high number of Link Clicks but a significant drop in Landing Page Views or Adds to Cart, it indicates a potential issue in the user experience on the landing page or product page. Identifying these drop-off points helps in optimizing the customer journey for better conversion rates.
Campaign-Level Performance Analysis: This analysis helps in understanding which campaigns are driving the most valuable interactions and conversions. It aids in decision-making regarding budget allocation, creative adjustments, and overall campaign strategy.
In This Report
Ad Set Name
Ad Name
Amount Spent
Link Clicks
Landing Page Views
Adds to Cart
Checkouts Initiated
Adds to Cart Value
Checkouts-Initiated Value
Purchase Value
Grouped By
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